The protagonists of the trek are of course the horses. They are a mix of Arab, Spanish and English blood, chosen for the trip for their good natures, sure footedness, incredible strength and experience. They enjoy the trek as much as their riders do and you will be sorry to say goodbye to your new friend at the end of the trip. Each day they are fed a nutritious and fortifying feed, and overnight they graze together in fields around the villages where we stay.
Jesús is a top level guide and founder of Adventures on Horseback. He has been taking groups for long treks through the mountains since 1993 and has worked out the best routes ensuring a fabulous ride. He is an extremely experienced horseman and having raised and brought on the majority of the horses in his stable he knows the characters of our companions implicitly. He also shoes the horses himself which is an important bonus in the high mountains.
Hattie met Jesús when she went riding at his stables. So impressed was she by the level of love and care shown to the horses there that she entrusted her own horse to him when she found herself without space for him at home. Hattie accompanies the treks and acts as translator and extra support for the group. She is your point of contact in the lead up to the holiday for any queries you may have.
Mar works with the retired horses and offers meditation and wellbeing workshops. She is our indispensable backup, ferrying our luggage from hotel to hotel and sorting out logistics for each day. She and Jesús between them take care of the wellbeing of the horses.